Transform ordinary into Extraordinary with Luminary Advisors. Our focus is a 360° approach to your revenue acceleration. Since 1995 we have excelled in moving businesses forward through operations, management, business development, sales and marketing. The results? Record-breaking achievements. Increased Revenue. Solid and scalable infrastructure. Accurate market penetration. Brand awareness. Complete transformations. Success . . . time and time again. Your business is unique. Your strategy and execution should be as well. During the economic downturn we delivered over $100M in increased revenue to companies, brought new products to market, created new markets for existing products, increased a manufacturer's nationwide footprint, developed the infrastructure for start-ups to successfully transition from pre-revenue through production and so much more. We look forward to making your vision a reality.Our goal is not to throw as many consultants as possible on a project to increase our revenue, but instead to use the most effective approach and deliver solutions to increase YOUR revenue. Learn more by visiting our site or call us at 503-707-6530.