Outdoor Gear Salesman at Dalian Eaglesight Corp., Ltd. - Dalian Shi, Liaoning Sheng, China
Dalian Eaglesight Corp., Ltd. is a leading wholesale OEM camp gear supplier from China since 1998. Eaglesight specializes in camping hammocks, tents, sleeping bags, self-inflatable mattresses, tent accessories, waterproof bags, beach chairs and others...Within the lifespan, Eaglesight has gained an exceptional experience to serve clients from different countries in a professional manner, apart from up-with-the-times product designing and manufacturing. Eaglesight has established a supply chain with a number of big and leading brands in US, UK and Germany, as well as around the whole world and keeps expanding the business. The goal is to establish a long-term mutually-beneficial relationship, as we provide qualitative products and are always ready to ensure clients with the samples. Quality and stability are the key features that brought us to an outstanding reputation. Telephone (Monday - Friday, 9:00AM - 6:00PM (UTC+08:00)):+86-(0)411-39704556+86-(0)411-39013026+86-(0)411-39013042+86-(0)411-39704516Skype:eaglesightoutdoor