Holistic Café: BODY-MIND-SPIRT Nutrition and exercise are components of the BODY pillar. In my opinion these aspects cannot be separated. When we are mindful of where our produce comes from, we are also doing something good for the environment: purchasing locally entails shorter drive times and choosing organic entails no fertilizer, fairer animal treatment, better working conditions and superior quality. MIND will offer you lectures about the topics of health, nutrition and well-being ... You can get new input, join the discussion or just have a great evening with interesting people. We will have current magazines, interesting books, articles and videos avialable to borrow. Looking forward to a lively exchange. SPIRIT is the 3. pillar of my concept. Everybody has a different understanding of SPIRIT. For me it includes wellbeing. How do I achieve it? Through yoga, movement, meditation and by trying to act consciously and have a positive impact on my own personal environment. I believe that everybody can contribute their unique piece to create positive changes in the world, simply by starting to transform oneself.