The Soul Alchemy, already a trademark registered in India, the land of yoga and spirituality, is happy to officially announce its presence in Dubai, UAE. We are pleased to share that the company got registered on the auspicious day of Diwali, 4th November 2021, the festival of light celebrating victory over darkness. The launch of products and services shall commence on the upcoming full moon that is the 19th November 2021. We would be going live on all digital channels with the ability to deliver in more than 300 countries. Our unique wide range of products cater to all seekers, learners, self-healers, yoga practitioners, peace lovers, healers, fitness enthusiasts, empaths, lightworkers, speakers, authors, entrepreneurs, artists, thinkers, leaders, and inspirers. At The Soul Alchemy, we love to harness the holistic and healing benefits that nature brings to us. Salt has been known to absorb negative energies and essential oils are filled with therapeutic properties. Combining the power of two produces amazing benefits that not only just cleanse the unwholesome energies but also uplift the energy level.We acknowledge the challenges of the modern time where so much information overload continues to overwhelm and with the over activation of the mind, the emotions and body gets disconnected. Human beings are multidimensional beings and have tremendous potential to co-create in alignment with the laws of nature and laws of cycle. With activities comes the requirement of rest, replenishment, and recovery; hence, with the help of our special 5D formula below, our products will greatly benefit you in your rest and recovery. DecongestDisentangleDecontaminateDisintegrateDisperseWith a profound understanding of the energy body of humans and the energy aspect of salt and essential oils, we are delighted to invite you to the world of Energy Hygiene.