M-LOG represents a real chance to respond with a single solution to managing the dry, tankers and containers operators that use the port of Taranto for their import/export traffic.As "Maritime Contract" M-LOG implements QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM for all the services offered, in accordance with ISO 9001:2008 standard certified by Italian Naval Register (R.i.Na. Spa).In a constant pursuit of customer satisfaction, M-LOG promotes responsible and sustainable economy oriented to international best practices.M-LOG believes in "quality management" as an essential tool of work because it allows the purchaser/owner to choose based on objective parameters, not only to consolidate its position in the market, but to obtain customer loyalty in a context which is in continuous technological evolution.Every single business activity is carried out in compliance with ISO 9001.Goods have always travelled through the ports where they find convenience. We want to combine efficiency, technology, competitiveness and reliability thanks to our professionalism that can properly assess customs and tax issues with the necessary skills in order to find the best solutions.