With the growing trend of a unified sharing economy, alongside the rise of black swan events such as COVID-19, FocusGroup has noticed a global growing importance for cost-centricity, which has ultimately come at the expense of employment tenure, leading to unemployment. FocusGroup strives to address this concern, while steering our helm towards the future, shared economy. Our platform looks to centralise the work of freelancers, creating a collaborative platform bridging like-minded thinkers to dynamic, real-time business issues, where they will have a chance to apply novel, innovative-thinking through project-based work, whilst being provided tenure and broad horizons for freelance opportunity.Phase 1 Roll-out: Plan and Pitch Take part in a FocusGroup pitch, where you will be able to test your logic-forming and communicative abilities, placed up against other contestants within a business context. During phase 1, we will introduce contestants to guest speakers cross-industry - the focus is to provide invaluable insights into lessons learned when dealing with particular cases/industries. Phase 2 Roll-out: Connect and DeliverThrough participation in FocusGroup pitching competitions, participants are able to amass tokens (relative to competition standing), to which they can use to 'engage clients', and to buy into project groups servicing FocusGroup's vast network of business partners for consulting projects. Prior to this, participants will be further empowered through mandatory, free business training which will be hosted by organising members from FocusGroup. This will ensure that participants are well-equipped with structurally sound frameworks/insights most relevant in lending value to involved clients. Phase 3 Roll-out:Our last phase will involve connecting our vast user base from FocusGroup to business clients, providing a platform connecting freelancers to one another and once grouped, linked up with businesses to partake in project consultancy.