Technical Manager EAME sports turf and landscape at Syngenta Turf EAME - Cambridge, England, United Kingdom
GreenCast, the innovative Syngenta on-line turf management decision support tool, offering pro-active advice to assist with turf disease control decisions for all turf management professionals and experts. The scientists behind leading turf management products Banner Maxx, Headway, Heritage, Primo Maxx, Proliance Quattro, Qualibra, Rescue, Instrata and the brand new Instrata Elite. Treating turf diseases like:- Anthracnose- Brown Patch- Dollar Spot- Fairy Rings- Fusarium Patch- Lead Spot- Red Thread- Take-All Patch- Yellow Tuft and- Seedling diseasesSo if you are in charge of golf course maintenance, a green keeper, groundsman, or look after amenity or stadia turf - GreenCast have the knowledge and expertise to help you produce the perfect and healthiest turf. Also supporting of women in golf >