Del-Co Water, a 501-C (12) corporation, is a private public drinking water company with a service area that extends into seven central Ohio counties. As a public water supplier, Del-Co Water operates under the authority of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Ohio EPA). A license (PWS-2101412) issued by Ohio EPA covers the operation and maintenance activities related to the four water treatment facilities, the network of underground piping and a series of thirty elevated storage tanks. Over the years Del-Co Water has increased the capacity of the drinking water system in response to the rapid growth of population in the central Ohio counties. Currently the design capacity of the treatment facilities is thirty-three million gallons of drinking water per day. Del-Co Water is currently reviewing demographic projections with the expectation of continued growth of residential communities within the Del-Co Water service area. With this information, Del-Co Water is planning to keep pace with this further expansion by identifying and designing the key infrastructure elements. Del-Co Water is committed to providing the best level of service related to drinking water to all customers both current and future.