The mission of fuels24 platform is to provide access to cheap and clean energy using most effective technologies, like DLT and AI. Fuels24 is a game-changer of US$ 17 trln energy market.DLT increases the trust between market participants: producers, sellers, financiers, traders, carriers and end-customers. It reduces cost of compliance and improves trade finance terms and payments, especially in the areas with no or low banking services coverage. It reduces the amount of paper work, fraud and labour hours/costs. Using our platform with advanced technologies, we can eliminate 15 client's pain. Our disruptive technologies provide up to 10% price discount against gasoline stations and client's time saving (2-3 hours). We also plan to sell the energy by subscription, making it similar to SaaS platforms.AI improves the effectiveness of logistics by reducing the idle-mileage running and half-empty load tank carriers, reduce the costs of sales and CO2-emissions by offering the energy transportation on just-in-time delivery basis and with optimal route.