GlobalWise IT Services strives to provide excellent service and support in the IT Industry. We value integrity, are performance driven and focus on our customer's needs. With 29 years+ experience in the IT industry, 9 years+ experience in the website and software development industry, 12 Years+ in the ISP industry, we are small yet dynamic team. Whether we are busy giving IT support, or building a professional website for a small or big company, we all are passionate about what we do, learning and improving all the time.We specialise in the following:IT Support:29 Years+ ExperienceAnalog, AHD and IP CCTV SystemsVOIP and Hosted PBX ServicesCopier RentalsHardware (New and used PC Sales)Hardware UpgradesSystem AdministratorsNetworking (Installations, as well as maintenance)Printers Sales / Repair and ServicesSoftware supportData ManagementData recoveryBackup procedures and implementationGeneral maintenance and repairsService Level AgreementsCartridges and consumablesInternet Service Provider:12 Years+ ExperienceADSLFiberLTEWebsite and Software development:9 Years+ ExperienceWebsite developmentHosting of WebsitesDomain registrationsSoftware development