DUXFORTEC is carrying over 40 years of experience in Networking, Security and Storage. We are a value added distributor which engineer solutions according to the exact need of clients. We provide our channel partners with a guaranteed, end to end solution in Networking, Security & Storage using our technical expertise and deep knowledge of the local market.We are partner with well reputed suppliers:CUBITECH: Founded in 2001 and providing a Powerful, Trusty, Easy to Use, End to End HD Video Surveillance Solution. SECURELOGIQ: Since 2011 Secure Logiq have been developing the missing piece of the HD surveillance jigsaw, servers specifically designed for HD surveillance.BCDVIDEO: The most trusted source for purpose-built IP video storage solutions designed for security. The fastest growing DELL OEM Partner.WESTERN DIGITAL: The ULTRASTAR DATA 60 is the state of art from Western Digital providing fastest performance and highest density SAN Storage for Video Surveillance.SALIENT: Powerful Video Management System with a fully Open Architecture. With its Dynamic Resolution Scaling Technology, SALIENT is unmatched when it comes to stability and bandwidth saving.ALLGOVISION AI: A leading and fast-growing open platform video analytic solution from AllGoVision Technologies. Using advanced Artificial Intelligence ("AI") with Deep learning ("DL") for best Performance.SAFR: A powerful AI and Facial Analytic Software, SAFR use latest state of the art technologies to provide unmatched Facial and Business Analytic.Boulder AI: Boulder AI brings the Deep Learning Neural Network Artificial Intelligence to the edge devices and IoT using a variety of application :Smart City detection, tracking, and counting ...Being a turnkey solution provider, DUXFORTEC provides comprehensive support to its partner throughout all phases, from design to after sales support.For more details please visit our website www.duxfortec.com, or feel free to contact any of our team members.