Ilan Godfrey's work explores the diverse social, political, economic, and environmental currents that shape contemporary South Africa, giving viewers a broader, and at the same time, more deeply personal understanding of the country they live in but seldom truly gets to grips with. By conveying through long-term, multi-layered projects a process of investigative narration with photography, he reveals varied aspects of societal change across the country. He spent eleven years working between Johannesburg and London before returning to South Africa in 2011 to focus on several long-term projects. One of which would evolve over two years into ‘Legacy of the Mine'. An unflinching series of images set out to expose the unwanted and perhaps under-explored legacy confronting South Africa's land and people by giving agency to those whose lives and livelihoods have been destroyed by mining processes.In 2016 he continued to explore South Africa's extractive sector by collaborating with the Open Society Foundation to produce the seminal work, The Platinum Belt. This multifaceted project incorporates narrative sound, extensive writings, and a geotagged online platform accessible to a global audience and in particular the local communities directly impacted by the platinum extractive sector.Ilan's work has been recognized by numerous international photography awards and grants and exhibited in prestigious galleries and museums worldwide. His writing and photography have been cited in various research papers and regularly published in a broad range of leading international publications.Aside from editorial work he collaborates with institutions and organizations worldwide, working on commissions for global brands. Parallel to this, Ilan is the founder of IDG Creatives, a multidisciplinary content outlet established on the principle that through inspirational storytelling, the dissemination of visually-driven information can be shared with a wider audience.