Komagene, which took its brand name from the Commagene Civilization, started its first branch in Istanbul in 2005. By bringing the traditional flavor of Çiğ Köfte to a concept brand status, Komagene has now become the leader of the sector in Turkey.YÖRPAŞ YÖRESEL YİYECEKLER PAZARLAMA A.Ş. (Parent Organization) serves with products and services in the fields of production, marketing, sales, logistics and franchising in the food industry. Komagene, with a 10.500 m2 indoor production facility, brings its delicious products to the table of their customers all around Turkey without breaking the cold logistics chain. The Komagene team, by carrying out a sensitive operation, monitors and reports the chain of operations from the purchasing process to the storage of the products, from the production to the delivery to the branches, and from the counter to the customer. Adopting the 100% satisfied customer philosophy, Komagene is the leading brand in the Çiğ Köfte sector. Thanks to its great customer service culture, Komagene is appreciated, and respected by its customers .Due to the sensitive care and importance given to the franchise business partnership, and the Çiğ Köfte industry having high demand for franchising, 98% of Komagene branches are operated as franchisees.