LegalVision creates persuasive litigation graphics to help jurors see your client's point of view. Let our combination of experience, proven strategies, speed and personalized attention give you a winning edge.Here's how LegalVision works:1. Listen.Like a "jury of one," we first listen well. We work closely with attorneys to go over issues, uncover hidden challenges, and clarify goals desired by the attorney's clients. After gaining a deep understanding of the case objectives, we look for nuances and gaps in story appeal and logic.2. Evaluate and Brainstorm.Using key issues, we develop a campaign of ideas to differentiate and package a case's compelling arguments. We are imaginative and creative thinkers with a flair for developing simple analogies for complex issues. Because we've honed our skills with some of the best lawyers in the country, we have built up a knowledge base of ideas and strategies that work well with decision-makers.3. Create.Once attorneys have focused on specific ideas, we create and execute the final visuals using nearly any form of media.As useful as our visuals are, attorneys benefit at least as much from the development process itself. Most of our clients find it easier to write their opening statements after our process is complete. And as for closing arguments, many clients throw away their script and simply use our persuasive closing charts as talking points.