CBD Living was started 2013 and is currently carried in over 5000 stores across the United States as well as Western European countries. We first started with our CBD water that launched the company and since then have expanded into over 100 SKUs, 20 of them being CBD Pet. CBD Living products are commonly sold in health food store chains such as Better Health, Lassens, Nutrition Smart and Erewon along with convenience stores, gas stations, smoke shops, athletic facilities, and spas. Our water utilizes a proprietary formulation with the benefits of nanotechnology to increase the bioavailability of CBD in the body. CBD itself is not water soluble but through our process we are able to encapsulate the CBD in a water cluster thus allowing it to pass through the blood membrane for enhanced absorption. Since we formulate in our state of the art facility we are able to use these techniques to increase the absorption on a multitude of CBD products that we offer.