Every day we work with the goal of improving our society through local government modernization.Based on simple and effective approaches, we develop solutions that help our client in their daily challenges. Our R&D department develops products based on the latest technologies and best practices.- Automation of bureaucratic tasks- Constant and personalized support service- Assistance to municipalities in providing qualified services through virtual channels for requests and complaints from the citizens- Development of means to encourage active participation of citizensFounded back in 2001, due to our experience and dedication, WireMaze became the market leader on eGovernment solutions in Portugal.A municipality interacts with all kinds of social groups. Our solutions are focused on four different groups: Citizens, Teams, Partners and Tourists.For Citizens- wireSTUDIO - Web Content Management- wireCITYapp – The City App- wirePAPER – Online Services for Local Government- wireVOICE – Participatory Budgeting PlatformFor Teams - wireDESK – Intranet Content Management- wireDOCS – Quality Management Solution- wireMEET – Local Government Meetings Management- wireFORMS – Forms ManagementFor Partners- wireBUY – Local Government Supplier's Platform- wireBUSINESS – Business DirectoryFor Tourists- wireVISIT - Tourism Portal- wireVISITapp – The Tourists' App