MISSION AND VISIONKerala's achievements in health scenario are on par with developed countries. Kerala tops the performance in meeting Millennium Development Goals. The state has a better health standard with low birth and death rate, rapidly declining growth rate, high level of acceptance of family planning methods and increased life expectancy.In spite of these achievements, the emerging and re-emerging diseases form a public health threat which demands a multidimensional management through inter-sectoral co-ordination. This formed the foundation for Kerala to set specific targets to be achieved by 2020 and Sustainable Development Goal No.3 formed the reference frame work. Kerala has set specific targets on Hepatitis, Leprosy,Lymphatic Filariasis, Malaria, Tuberculosis and AIDS.In addition to seven SDG targets of UN, Kerala has set target 8 on Dental health, Eye health & Palliative care.Patient friendly hospital initiative named ARDRAM provides quality services at all health levels. As a part of the program it is envisaged to convert primary health centres into family health centres in a phased manner in order to deliver effective family centred health services.Our vision is a state with quality health care, affordable and acceptable to all. Our mission is prevention, control and management of communicable, on-communicable and life style diseases, disaster management, healthy pollution free environment, nurturing a mind set among the public to identify health needs and utilize health services by implementing various national health programmes. The strategy is by adopting primary health care approach based on the principles of equity,inter-sectoral co-ordination and community participation.