Radio Announcer at PT Bhinaya Laxita Kreativa Indonesia - Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
Nowadays is a brand war. High competition has begun. Brands appear and strike the audience out. The only stand out brand will be the winner. What about your brand? After all, we just loved to tell it's your brand turn, time to speed away winning the audiences top of mind. So, getting your brand ready now! Because we are Bhinaya Integrated Marketing Communication Agency in Semarang, do the best to understand your DNA. We live your brand with some magical touch of creativity, passion, expertise, and voila! we are ready to make your brand stand out. We did stand out projects with Insto, OBH, The Abimanyu, others. The most, we guarantee to feel the best experiment of your brand. Because we are a qualified agency in terms of activating brand. Proven by awarded as the most experimental brand activation in 2016 based on MIX Magazine version.