Grace Kang

Technical Communicator at Publishing Smarter - King City, ON, US

Grace Kang's Contact Details
Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada
Publishing Smarter
Grace Kang's Company Details
Publishing Smarter logo, Publishing Smarter contact details

Publishing Smarter

King City, ON, US • < 5 Employees

Write Less. Write Better.Publishing Smarter works with clients to improve their content creation, management, and distribution workflows. We do so through content analysis, legacy file conversion, training, and support. This helps to reduce production costs, improve document quality, and increase employee productivity.Our client base includes government agencies, Fortune 500 corporations, private companies and not-for-profit agencies. We don't sell specific software tools; we investigate and suggest the right options to ensure client success. Over 15 years in publishing provides us insight, experience and partnerships to meet your publishing needs.

Publishing Periodicals
Details about Publishing Smarter
Frequently Asked Questions about Grace Kang
Grace Kang currently works for Publishing Smarter.
Grace Kang's role at Publishing Smarter is Technical Communicator.
Grace Kang's email address is *** To view Grace Kang's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Grace Kang works in the Publishing industry.
Grace Kang's colleagues at Publishing Smarter are Nathan Gilmour, Avi Saban, Bernard Aschwanden and others.
Grace Kang's phone number is 906-833-8448
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