Grace Ok

Marketing Assistant at BOLD - Guaynabo, PR, US

Grace Ok's Contact Details
(415) 839-6413
Grace Ok's Company Details
BOLD logo, BOLD contact details


Guaynabo, PR, US • 1528 Employees

Since 2005, BOLD has established itself as a job seeker’s ally. Our goal is simple: We Transform Work Lives. We provide online products, tools, guidance, and support to help job seekers make their jobs, careers, and workplaces better. BOLD’s more than 1,200 global team members in Engineering, Customer Engagement, Product, Marketing, Data Science, Design/UX, Research and Human Resources are passionate about helping people achieve their career dreams. Our team’s knowledge and expertise has resulted in award-winning AI-powered resume and cover letter builders, and job search tools that have empowered millions of job seekers in more than 180 countries to reach their professional goals. From our headquarters in Puerto Rico, with remote and hybrid offices in India, Poland, and U.S. we’re a global organization on a path to change the career industry as we know it.

Career Guidance Services Job Search Resume Writing Recruiter Talent Acquisition Human Resources
Details about BOLD
Frequently Asked Questions about Grace Ok
Grace Ok currently works for BOLD.
Grace Ok's role at BOLD is Marketing Assistant.
Grace Ok's email address is *** To view Grace Ok's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Grace Ok works in the SaaS industry.
Grace Ok's phone number is (415) 839-6413
See more information about Grace Ok