Reflex-arc is inspired by the biological concept of a reflex arc. We aspire to reflect on architecture from a non-architectural perspective, enabling design to become the medium that connects various groups of people and their perspectives. Through architectural and spatial interventions, we would like to create an organism that reflects people's needs, interacts with users, as well as the social, economic and cultural environments.Our dynamic team was founded in Beijing in 2018. We seek to research、reflect and design on contemporary urban and architectural designs from a multidisciplinary perspective connecting architecture with urban planning, social sciences and art.Reflex-arc[映照建筑]工作室的成立源于生物学上的反射弧概念,我们希望从非建筑的角度重新审视建筑,让设计成为一种反应人们需求的自然机制,创造可以与使用者以及外部的社会、经济和文化环境互动的空间场景,和各学科、各人群间沟通的媒介,正如反射弧般联结不同的视角和观点。我们的团队于2018年成立于北京,旨在通过设计跨界的方式,从建筑、城规、社会科学和艺术的多重角度,对当代城市和建筑设计进行研究、反思和设计。