Her Adventures is a community dedicated to radically redefining travel to be inclusive, sustainable, and empowering.WE SEEK TO:👉 Create a more inclusive world through friendship, education and communication.👉 Empower women with the tools to explore beyond their boundaries and learn more about themselves and the world.👉 Stop the culture of silence and violence by giving women around the globe a safe place to share, learn, grow and travel.Join tens of thousands of woman around the world as we work together to become better global citizens.FACEBOOK: facebook.com/groups/girlswhotravelgroupWEB: girlswhotravel.orgIG: instagram.com/girlswhotravelTWITTER: twitter.com/girlswhotravelJOB CONNECTIONS: facebook.com/groups/gwtjobsBOOK CLUB: facebook.com/groups/gwtbookclub/NEWSLETTER: eepurl.com/bC9H75