Pipe jacking, also known as microtunnelling at smaller diameters, is a specialist tunnelling method for installing underground pipelines with the minimum surface disruption. Primarily used for new sewer construction it is also used for sewer replacement and relining, gas and water mains, oil pipelines, electricity and telecommunication installations, culverts and subways. The Pipe Jacking Association – dedicated to best practice for the cost effective and environmentally sensitive installation of utility services underground. We provide • Detailed design advisory publications based on industry best practice • Case studies covering a range of applications and typical carbon savings • CPD lectures for clients and design teams • Presentations and animations to explain the technology • Research at leading universities and student teaching resources • Carbon calculator demonstrating carbon savings of non-disruptive methods These core activities are backed by a range of actions to ensure our members are at the forefront of guiding and influencing key opinion formers: • Health & Safety Executive - Guidance for designers and health and safety presentations • British Tunnelling Society – liaison on pipe jacking and microtunnelling specifications • Network Rail on the development of specifications for undertrack crossings • British Standard and CEN committees to include BS6164: Safety in Tunnelling • TunnelSkills and CITB in the development of safety training and skills based standards • Government and industry bodies on framing legislation that will minimise the disruption from street works and reduce carbon emissions