CHEETEYE is a software management system that protects casino assets and revenue by integrating into gaming and administrative systems to produce automated reports and alerts to ensure that policies, procedures and critical reporting are strictly followed. CHEETEYE enables all departments within a casino to collaborate by converting data from multiple sources into information that can be used to measure the risk of a casino. Through years of innovation we have developed a casino friendly management system that enables information sharing and accountability throughout a casino. With CHEETEYE, you can remove the need for multiple software solutions, multiple logins and create a simplified standard of operation. Typically, a customer using our standard platform achieves cost savings of between 10% and 15% while drastically reducing high risk, vulnerable parts of operating.CHEETEYE further enhances casino revenues with innovative digital marketing software that constantly scans a casino player database and gaming data to segment customers into appropriate groups and then send the groups appropriate digital content. CHEETEYE integrates the various different channels of the digital world, removing the silos in your marketing strategy and empowering your casino to engage with customers across all these channels from a single platform. In doing so a true 360 view of the customer can be built which enables relevant, targeted marketing which leads to increased customer engagement, brand loyalty and revenue. For example, a customer recently utilized this solution to gather gaming data that revealed they were targeting the wrong segment in its marketing efforts.