Bigmate harnesses cutting edge technology, including artificial intelligence (AI) and the latest sensor science, to create world-leading customised safety, perception and identification solutions for the resources, manufacturing, food processing and industrial sectors. We tackle the big safety issues head-on by continually pushing the boundaries of what new tech can do, always mindful that safety solutions work when they’re practical to implement, simple to use and compatible with high productivity. World-leading projects We’re changing the safety game in the international resources sector by giving dragline, and other heavy machine operators, 360 degree virtual visibility of their environment and introducing hard engineered controls that reduce the operator’s heavy mental load. Another world-first: our sensing technology can, in real time, analyse the integrity of ground surfaces and edges, and divert earthmoving machines when conditions reach dangerous levels. Our proximity detection solutions allow every vehicle and machine on an industrial site to ‘talk to each other’, virtually eliminating the possibility of collisions. Hyspec Coal uses world-leading hyperspectral imaging technology and real time AI to passively scan materials such as coal and other minerals to analyse composition and identify defective material Food processors can now achieve new levels of safety thanks to our custom designed sensing technology that can detect traces of potentially dangerous contaminants in the production line. We're proudly an AWS Advanced Technology Partner.