Beautiful Earth is a new company that seeks to inspire and educate through compelling travel documentaries. We aim to capture the beauty and show the best that places in Canada have to offer. More than tourist films, we want to get to the very heart of what makes a place special and unique. It's so easy to take places for granted and therefore miss out on the rich and fascinating history right under our feet. This is how the idea for Beautiful Earth was born.It was as much a philosophy as it was a company when we started Beautiful Earth because we wanted to build on the idea that everywhere has something to say if only we go looking for it. Too often we've found that tourist films simply glide over the surface and leave us in the dark as to what a place is really all about.We are currently putting together the first basic edit of our first documentary which covers Vancouver's Stanley Park. We are busy seeking sponsorship to help us complete the film as some of the costs involved are beyond our current means. We are in need of a good colourist and we also need to commission music for the project.We aim to have the film ready for release this year and will be looking to hold screenings around the city.