We repair leaks in the monolith joints of concrete gravity dams, powerhouses and navigation locks. We are a Civil Engineering firm specializing in hydro . Our industry leading process is likely to be pertinent in the remediation of the infrastructure you/your colleagues/clients must manage, maintain and repair. The proprietary concrete gravity dam waterstop product (CYLutions™) we have today has taken 15 years to develop. BOTH the product and the installation process are duly described on our website. The product has proven successful in the repairs, but can also be used as the waterstop in the joints for new construction.A couple videos to consider about our engineering approach:The Effectiveness of Emagineered's 1,038MW Wanapum Dam Waterstop CYLutions™By Jonathan Blake – Mechanical Engineer – Wanapum Dam - Grant County PUD http://youtu.be/kChG2KEdtdwA Review of Emagineered's Industry Leading Waterstop TechnologyBy Jim Hinds, P.E. and Steve Tatro P.E. – Formerly U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Portland,OR and Walla Walla, WA Districts) - now Tatro-Hinds Advanced Concrete Engineering, Inc. http://youtu.be/aPmmXH1_yfsAbout our Company:Our web address is: http://www.Emagineered.com. The site is robust, and provides extensive information about our process and products. We are members of the Association of State Dam Safety Officials, Canadian Dam Association, National Drilling Association, Our CEO is a member of the ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers).