Operations and Policy Analyst at Oregon Health Authority - Office of Health IT - N/A, N/A, N/A
The Oregon Health Authority's Office of Health Information Technology supports the adoption of electronic health records, the secure exchange of health information, and achievement of meaningful use. Our Vision A transformed health system where statewide health information technology and health information exchange ensures that all Oregonians have access to HIT-optimized health care that results in better health, better care, and lower costs. Oregon is changing the way health care is delivered and health information technology is a fundamental component. Oregon's efforts are founded on the coordinated care model which sets new expectations for coordinating care, accountability for performance, and alternate models of payment based on outcomes and health. Through the coordinated care model, Oregonians are experiencing improved, more integrated care. Optimization of the health care system through health Information technology is an important part of this work. HIT-optimized health care goes beyond adopting electronic or mobile technologies in place of keeping records on paper. It includes changes in workflow, analytics, and processes that help doctors, nurses, mental health professionals and all other health care providers to work more effectively. Using health information exchange (HIE) allows hospitals, clinics and individual providers to share the right health-related information quickly.