Executive Coach, Team Coach, Facilitator, Enneagram Teacher at G2i Leadership Development - San Carlos, California, United States
G2i is a Leadership Development company founded by Greg Gillis providing the following services to business leaders and their teams:★ We provide executive coaching and leadership development.★ We arrange, produce and facilitate strategic off-site meetings that focus on leadership development while dealing with real-world business issues.★ We discover detailed personal, team and organizational insights through verbal 360 interviews, Enneagram typing or the Leadership Circle Profile.★ We conduct Enneagram classes and workshops to deepen self-awareness and leadership capabilities.We work through a network of coaches to provide these services to our clients. Through our relationships with partners we deliver a vast spectrum of training and development workshops.Specialties: Executive Coaching, Leadership Development, Individual Coaching, Team Coaching, Facilitation, Team Off-site meetings, 360 Degree Feedback, Enneagram Training, Leadership Circle Profile.