The Philosophy of Education at EPIC Bible College is based upon the premise that God is the source of all truth; that the Holy Spirit is the Leader and Guide into all truth; that man, as created in the image of God, may gain knowledge and understanding of spiritual and physical realities through pursuit of truth. Further, God has revealed Himself in general revelation through the physical, created world and in special revelation through the person of Jesus Christ and the Word of God, the Bible. Mankind is privileged to pursue truth and knowledge and to gain understanding, on the basis that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and that understanding truth leads to true life and liberty (Prov. 9:10). Man is able to experience God, have a relationship with God and draw near to God, in part, by gaining understanding of God’s work in the person of Jesus Christ and God’s work in the created universe. However, the pursuit of truth, knowledge and understanding apart from God is incomplete and, eventually, leads to emptiness and spiritual death. Founded in 1974 under the name Trinity School of the Bible, TLBC began in the heart of Rev. Paul Trulin, DD. As pastor of Trinity Church, Dr. Trulin was guided by a passion to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a deep desire to train people for Christian ministry. The board and congregation shared his vision and approved the establishment of a church-based Bible college and Dr. Trulin served as pastor of the church as well as president of the Bible College until his retirement in 1982. Successive administrators have included Rev. Leroy Lebeck, DD; Rev. Kenneth Bluemel and current president Rev. Ronald W. Harden, MS, DD; each of whom has remained faithful to Dr. Trulin’s original vision of training men and women for Christian ministry. In fact, after three decades of ministry, Epic’s influence has reached beyond any single church or denomination. Seeds of this growth were planted in 1993, when college administrators sensed the Holy Spirit leading them to seek accreditation. In 1999, accreditation candidacy was granted and began a process that culminated in 2004 with full accreditation from the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS). Through this process, Epic has seen academic improvement and the addition of a Division of General Education, upgrades in technology and facilities and expanding opportunities to grant financial aid.