Autopilot For Your Business: data/analytics-driven business development and coaching for growth-minded small-to-medium-sized businesses.By mapping your business processes from the points of initial exposure to market all the way to liquidating and protecting profits, utilizing existing and generating new KPI data, and applying cutting-edge analytics, we help you achieve and exceed your business goals in record times.Based on areas of highest significance, identified by analytics, typical strategies include:* Changes to marketing plan* Re-balancing of market segments and/or adding new channels* Restructuring support and sales teams and/or incentive plans* Recommendations for HR/accounting/legal actions* Recommendations for improvements in management structure and strategiesAt ResultForge, we firmly believe that earnings are ALWAYS a fraction of the generated value. It can be difficult and even impossible to increase the fraction, but it is very easy to CREATE MASSIVE VALUE! For this very reason, it is the founding principle of ResultForge, Inc. and our primary mission to create massive value for every customer.Typical results:* Significant reduction in business owner's need for involvement in operations* Business owner's priority shift from daily ops to strategic decisions* Reduction of market risk with increased online reputation and consumer loyalty* 10-200% increase in consumer lifetime value* 50-2000% increase in bottom line (due to simultaneous increase in number of leads, conversion rate, average order amount, and operating margins)* Typical time-to-goal is 2-3 monthsTO WOMEN IN BUSINESS:We believe in gender equality in business, but until the day of fair opportunity arrives, we will do our best to tip the scale in that direction by empowering women business owners to succeed in the ventures of their choice. If you are a female-owned/operated business, contact us for free coaching & preferred service pricing.