TAPS – The Ted Atkatz Percussion Seminar, is a global non-profit organization dedicated to pushing the boundaries of musical education for young and aspiring professional percussionists. About our seminars: Our current curriculum consists of one-week, mobile percussion seminars for percussionists of any age and nationality. The foundation of TAPS unique educational programs are build around employing creative professionals with diverse musical backgrounds with a broad range of skill-sets and specialties. TAPS offers masterclasses, lessons, mock auditions, and public performances as part of the program for its participants. • TAPS goal is to provide participants with education and training at world-class standard • TAPS seeks to provide scholarships so that students facing financial hardship may have the opportunity to be TAPS participants • TAPS provides public performances that enrich the communities in which the seminar is held • TAPS aims to utilize digital technology and social media to raise awareness of the participant performances and education that takes place during each seminar