Low Five Productions is a promising up-and-coming company focused on three streams of creative production: comic books, scripted video shorts, and gaming-based video content (Let's Plays). The company incorporated in October of 2013, with the first content releases planned for Spring 2014.Comic Books: The main focus of Low Five, and the reason for its founding, was the desire to bring real consequences back to the super hero comic genre, the intention being to allow characters to age, evolve, and eventually die. With that in mind, Low Five has created the Deviants series. The current run of the series focuses on three main characters each coming to terms in their own way with their newfound abilities and the way the world reacts to them as more people begin showing signs of this evolution. Scripts and conceptions by Greg Pilkington, Billy Martin, and Scott Watmough, with artwork by Matt Carberry, and Jasreet "Jazz" Pratap Singh. Video Shorts: Low Five has written, directed, and produced one sketch comedy short "Conundrum", and has plans to produce videos in the future on a semi-regular basis. Videos will be uploaded to the Low Five Productions YouTube Channel (youtube.com/lowfive)Let's-Plays: Podcast-like commentary over captured live video game footage, Low Five intends to create content for its YouTube channel on a daily basis, showcasing our take on the newest games and the classics we all love. Podcasts: A future goal for the company is to also include long-form podcasts in our repertoire. Look for this in the future.