Innovating in Sustainable DevelopmentREthink Development is a developer of sustainable and creative real estate projects across product types. We have a distinctive combined set of core competencies and a unique approach that differentiates our projects in the marketplace.Core Competencies- Infill: We seek special sites within the boundaries of the city that lend themselves to the creative realization of valuable community assets.- Walkable: Most of REthink's projects are targeted at highly amenitized districts that enable residents and tenants to minimize their reliance on the automobile.- Mixed Use: In keeping with the focus on walkability, many of our projects incorporate a mix of uses.- Sustainable: REthink is a leader in profitably applying green building strategies to enhance the end user experience and drive increased property value.- Entitlement: REthink's Contextual Development approach has led to success in vocal communities that require entitlement approvals.- Cross-product type: Our unique competencies and approach allow us to deliver differentiated properties across residential, office, retail and hospitality product types.REthink's unique experience and capabilities offer strategic and tactical advantages to our investment partners that are unmatched by other developers.