The best baggage delivery service in Minnesota!Delivering luggage and small packages from the Minneapolis/St Paul International Airport.THE THREE "P"sThere are many factors that contribute to the evaluation of any company. However, when you get to the heart of a business it can be summarized into three major categories:Performance, Professionalism and Price. Or, as we like to say, the three "P"s.Performance:How well one performs a duty or task given certain parameters. In the case of a baggage delivery company this can be summarized into a single parameter. Time.The length of time it takes for the luggage to get from the airline to the customer's door. Professionalism:The conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person.As your baggage delivery service, it is our aim to make your passenger our customer. We demand that our employees conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times. Treating each of our customers with the utmost respect and understanding to their specific situation.Price:Value, Worth.In these uncertain economic times, price is becoming more and more a factor for everyone. At Airport Delivery Services we remain flexible to each situation to provide you with the most value possible.