Golden Thread Companies is the corporate home for Greg and Jenny Baldwin. The business has two distinct aspects; an impact investing portfolio called Golden Thread Investments, LLC and Greg's CEO Coaching and Strategy Consulting business called Golden Thread Strategic Thinking. Golden Thread has a special meaning for us, as we believe that when we are aligned with our best self and our highest purpose, seeking to do good work, having a successful business follows naturally. Greg used these principles in building Baxa Corporation to over 700 employees doing business in 60 countries. Golden Thread Strategic Thinking works with CEO's of dynamic companies with annual revenue ranging from $5 million in a software as a service business to well over $100 million in a technology company. Meeting on a monthly basis, the goal is to expand options and work as a thought partner to develop sound strategy and make great decisions. Greg has relatable experience across the entire life of a company. Greg is also available for Board Service and to work with senior teams on strategic planning.Golden Thread Investments, LLC makes investments in early stage companies that have innovative solutions to problems related to healthcare, natural resources or economic growth in Colorado. Key portfolio companies include Wellbe ( and MyStrength ( Golden Thread is lead investor and serves on the boards of these companies.