Bristol Harbor Group, Inc. (BHGI) is a full-service naval architecture, marine engineering, and consulting firm located on the harbor in Bristol, Rhode Island. We have been in business for over twenty-five years and have produced numerous designs to which hundreds of vessels have been built. We specialize in commercial vessel design and consulting, and have experience with tugs, barges, ATB's, passenger vessels, dredges and dry docks. Our team of dedicated professionals hails from some of the best naval architecture schools in the United States, and we stand ready to develop practical and efficient designs to meet your specific needs. BHGI has certifications for; AWO-RCP auditors, American Waterways Operators, and National Association of Marine Surveyors (NAMS). BHGI is certified to inspect and certify Marine Cargo Gear and we are Professional Engineers.Also see our sister company's page The Shearer Group, Inc.