Lic. #: B 1700184Started in 2008 as South Florida Impact Investigations, SFI Investigations, LLC was designed to be different than our competitors. While learning the Private Security Industry, Chief Jarmon worked for several different Security Agencies. He noticed that they focused on compliance through intimidation and that the staff who was hired often were unqualified or incapable of doing the job with these companies only looking for warm bodies to fill their contracts. Larger companies were disconnected from their employees on the ground and could not focus on their clients needs. Jarmon opened SFI with the idea that compliance would be better obtained by using tact and respect instead of intimidation. He put an emphasis in using Community Oriented Policing Strategies to focus on preventing and deterring crime instead of harassment. We use criminology theories like "Broken Windows" and "Routine Activity" theories to target criminal activity and reduce the number of incidents at any given location. Officers receive training in a variety of subjects to make them better prepared to service the community and are required to continue their training to receive promotions and raises. We avoid the warm body mentality that many of our competitors have used for decades.