OptionsQuest specializes in trading simple option strategies to generate a consistent monthly income with high-probability / low- risk trades. 'Our goal at OptionsQuest is to educate our members on how to generate a monthly income by trading options and to provide the necessary tools to help them become better and more profitable traders.' Our trading methodology at OptionsQuest is mainly focused on generating a monthly income utilizing some simple and well proven option strategies. These strategies were chosen from a large number of option strategies for their relative simplicity and profitability. With the right tools, such as our Live Probability Calculators™ and with proper trade selection, discipline and risk management, we are able to generate a monthly income consistently. I am a full time options trader and my main trading style is to write/sell options in order to collect the premium when they expire worthless at expiration day. I've been using these same strategies for the past 4 years to generate a monthly income from my 3 options accounts with 2 different brokers. There have been several studies that show that 80% of options expire worthless at the end of each expiration month. I guess there must be a lot of happy option sellers out there.. Our Current Services - a subscription to our "Weekly OQ Newsletter" with follow up position updates on our trades and any "New Trade Alerts" or "New Action Alerts" - a Profit & Loss Report showing the monthly performance on our closed trades - an introductory special Live Calculator™ offer to acquire our proprietary calculators for your own use Fee Based Services - One-on-one training on how to use the Thinkorswim trading platform from initial set up to charting, trade placement, order types and order placement, Risk and Probability Analysis..