AGRA ENERGY is on a mission to introduce cutting-edge technology into the renewable energy industry to transform methane gas waste into clean renewable fuels.We are focused on being part of the renewable fuel solution for America, taking methane and CO2 emissions that up to now have been too distributed to allow for capture and redirection to meet America's energy needs.Our technology is a major advancement in the proven "gas-to-liquids (GTL)" conversion process. Simply put, this means taking "hydrocarbon gas" through a chemical-reaction that converts it into petroleum liquids. Natural gas turns into oil. Majors companies have done it for years, but the conventional GTL technology required massive scale and big investment for giant projects. For AGRA ENERGY, we have the opportunity to spearhead a new business in the untapped agricultural market. With a head-start from proprietary technology, we see limited competition in the future. We will also expand our GTL to other manure-intensive operations, from poultry to swine. Thus, we foresee a growing enterprise, across America, installing hundreds of our units over the next five years.