The National Board of Accountants and Auditors (NBAA) is an independent regulatory and membership body for the accountancy profession established under the Accountants and Auditors (Registration) Act [Cap 286 R.E. 2002] operating under the ministry responsible for Finance and Planning. NBAA was established in 1972 and started carrying out its functions from 15th January 1973. Since its establishment, NBAA has made a significant contribution to the development of accountancy profession in Tanzania, particularly on promotion, registration, standards setting, regulatory and examination functions. NBAA seeks to play a key role in promoting good governance through development of accountancy profession in Tanzania.The accountancy profession has a key role to play in inspiring business confidence and assisting economic growth. NBAA members play influential roles in the public and private sectors. As a professional body, NBAA supports members and stakeholders through many services and provides a common voice for the profession.