Gretchen Corson

Associate Examiner at Farm Credit Administration - McLean, Virginia, US

Gretchen Corson's Contact Details
Greater Minneapolis-St. Paul Area
Farm Credit Administration
Gretchen Corson's Company Details
Farm Credit Administration logo, Farm Credit Administration contact details

Farm Credit Administration

McLean, Virginia, US • 320 Employees

The Farm Credit Administration (FCA) is an independent Federal agency that regulates and examines the banks, associations, and related entities of the Farm Credit System (FCS), including the Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation (Farmer Mac). The FCS is the largest agricultural lender in the United States. It is a nationwide network of lending institutions that are owned by their borrowers. It serves all 50 States and Puerto Rico. The FCS provides credit and other services to agricultural producers and farmer-owned cooperatives. It also makes loans for the following: - Agricultural processing and marketing activities - Rural housing - Certain farm-related businesses - Agricultural and aquatic cooperatives - Rural utilities - Foreign and domestic companies involved in international agricultural trade Our headquarters, as well as a field office, are located in McLean, Virginia. We also have field offices in Bloomington, Minnesota; Dallas, Texas; Denver, Colorado; and Sacramento, California. FCA is an equal opportunity employer. Our privacy policy is available at

Agricultural Loans Farm Credit Agricultural Lending Rural Housing Finance
Details about Farm Credit Administration
Frequently Asked Questions about Gretchen Corson
Gretchen Corson currently works for Farm Credit Administration.
Gretchen Corson's role at Farm Credit Administration is Associate Examiner.
Gretchen Corson's email address is *** To view Gretchen Corson's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Gretchen Corson works in the Government industry.
Gretchen Corson's colleagues at Farm Credit Administration are Dave Kuhler, Ryan Hardy, Alex Buckley, George Mathew, Ramiro Valdez, Tuyen Pham, Sylvia Rodriguez and others.
Gretchen Corson's phone number is 703-883-4056
See more information about Gretchen Corson