Are you unable to pay your medical bills after an accident at work, in a slip and fall or in a car accident? Are you having trouble filing for workers' compensation or Social Security Disability benefits?A serious accident can leave you permanently injured, unable to work and incapable of providing for your family. Obtaining fair compensation following an injury or death can be difficult. Sometimes it can even seem hopeless.If you were injured in an accident or need help with an SSDI or workers' comp claim, the skilled McHenry, Illinois, personal injury attorneys at the Taradash Law Firm can help you. We are experienced trial lawyers who have handled thousands of personal injury cases, helping Illinois accident victims obtain the benefits they need to recover and support their families.If you were injured in an accident caused by someone else's carelessness, or you are unable to work because of a serious medical condition, contact a Northern Illinois injury lawyer at the Taradash Law Firm. We serve clients throughout northeastern Illinois.