FOCUS Conferences Inc. is an RT owned company that produces regional continuing education conferences for Respiratory Therapists, Pulmonary Function and Sleep Medicine Technologists. In September of 2019, the company will produce its 26th conference in Memphis, TN along with a second conference in October 2019 in Poughkeepsie NY. The Memphis, TN Conference, taking place September 20 & 21, 2019 at the Guest House in Graceland in Memphis, TN. will be a 2-day symposium offering 12-15 CRCEs, CSTE's and CECs via 5 different tracks of lectures. Our second conference taking place on October 2nd, 2019 at the Poughkeepsie Grand Hotel in Poughkeepsie NY, is a 1-day conference featuring two tracks of lectures - Respiratory Therapy and Sleep Medicine. It offers 10 CRCEs, CSTEs and CECs in just one day. This Poughkeepsie NY conference is in its 40th year. For more information on our conferences for Respiratory Care and Sleep Medicine visit we also produce conferences for critical care nurses we would appreciate it if you would also make your nursing colleagues aware of our conferences for them. They can visit for specific information. FOCUS conferences are known for combining a superb educational experience with a pleasant entertainment experience, all for very reasonable registration fees. Significant-others of registered attendees may also attend at highly discounted rates. Two rates are available; one for significant others who require ceus and a lesser rate for those who want to simply accompany the person attending to earn ceus who doesn't need ceus of their own but wants to enjoy all of the other aspects of the conference including attending lectures if they wish to. The President of FOCUS Publications & Conferences, Inc. and the Chairman of the annual FOCUS Conferences is Bob Miglino, RRT BSRT MPS. Bob is a veteran respiratory therapist of 48 years. Numerous Respiratory Therapists, Sleep Technologists, Nurses and Physicians assist Bob and serve on the conference committees each year.