To us at Amsety, your liver matters. Headquartered in Carlsbad, CA, and with offices in both California and Germany, our mission is to improve the lives of people affected by the liver conditions and provide them with liver-healthy nutritional solutions as well as superior guidance and information on liver health.Our Amsety Bars are a breakthrough in the US market being the first nutrition bars to support liver health and meet special dietary requirements for the liver health.Developed by the leading US liver health experts, researchers and food engineers, Amsety Bars are USDA certified, organic, gluten-free, low in sodium, non-GMO, vegetarian, certified kosher, free of refined sugars, artificial colors and conservatives.Amsety Bars include the patent pending Super 16 Vitamin & Mineral Mix® of 16 vitamins and minerals essential for optimal liver health, many of which are difficult to find in regular meals or even supplements.Amsety is dedicated to raising awareness on liver health as a whole and offering helpful information on preventative care initiatives related to liver health. To help our customers make more educated and healthy choices in their future, we provide on our website various educational resources, such as our Liver Health Score, an online quiz developed by Amsety to help customers determine the health of one´s lifestyle for their liver, useful tips regarding liver health, free eBooks, and even "liver-friendly" recipes.Since 2016, Amsety participates in the annual AASLD Liver Meetings. Amsety Bar has received tremendous feedback from the liver health experts participating at this convention – 96% of surveyed physicians would recommend Amsety Bars to their patients.In 2018, Amsety´s Founder, Mustafa Behan, won the prestigious "Entrepreneur of the Year" award, presented by the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, as well as Special Congressional Recognition as a leading entrepreneur.