72 years ofexperienceGamba Giovanni Srl is a benchmark in the machine tools trading since the 50s.We trade in Italy as all over the world machine tools of the best manufacturers. The company was founded in Gardone Val Trompia by Giovanni Gamba in 1950, already active since the end of the Second World War as World class leader in the production of hunting and shooting guns. The proximity to the functional and technological matters of the production processes led us through a successful approach in the used machine tools trading, fully understanding the needs of the end users.Even today the company, with Guido and Tommaso Gamba, makes of its core business the knowledge of production matters, the reliability and the accuracy, key features of the success.The deep knowledge of the products and the markets in the machine tools industry, allows us to respond effectively to the needs of our customers, more and more efficiency oriented in their production processes.