It's time for a better molecular diagnosis experience. Tumour tissue dissection is crucial for reliable molecular diagnostic testing and therefore, precision medicine. Yet, tissue dissection today is still labor intensive, hard to scale and error-prone. Our solution.Xyall digitizes and automates the tissue dissection workflow to help pathologists obtain more reliable molecular diagnostic test results. Our Automated Tissue Dissection solution enables accurate Region of Interest determination and dissection. It eases your staff's workload while allowing you to process more cases per hour, free of cross-contamination.From analog to digital.Xyall scans the Hematoxylin & Eosin stained slides and the dissection slides, displaying tissue samples at the right magnification. This makes Region of Interest detection easier for the pathologist.From variable to standardized.Marked Region of Interest slides are automatically mapped to the dissection slides using the latest image registration technologies and then scrapped with high precision using a disposable knife.