AirParfum.New smelling experiences. Find your essence."You never get a second chance to make a good first impression."New smelling experiences.Testers, paper strips, samples and images. Those are the methods currently used to help customers try out perfumes. The past century hasn't brought any technological advances in perfumery when it comes to improving the experience of trying a perfume for the first time. Now, we are presenting a new way of experiencing perfume: scented air.A new kind of communication.Our goal is to intensify our customers' emotions, by engaging the most primordial of the senses: the sense of smell.Free from fixers, alcohol, and interferences, AirParfum presents the perfume to the customer in its most elemental form, with all its depth, intensity and nuance. Customers will enjoy an intimate experience, creating a familiarity with the perfume.Scented air vs. testers.Users will not see drops or spatters of perfume.By mixing the fragrance with air, using the kodomizer*, we distinguish the different senses and focus our attention on the one we want to win over: the sense of smell. *Kodomizer: from the Japanese kodo ("Way of Fragrance"), the channeling tool that transforms purified air into scented air, preserving all of the fragrance's nuances. Easy to use and practical. AirParfum provides the solution to a common problem: customers' unwillingness to try a number different perfumes so they can select one.A software linked to each kodomizer lets the manufacturer or perfumer control certain variables of the user experience if they see fit.In this way, a customer in New York will test the exact same perfume as someone in Paris, respecting the brand's identity to the fullest.