As the largest independent provider in our category and with a history dating back 30+ years, our solutions are trusted by tens of thousands of individuals, top enterprises, and higher education institutions across the globe. We help professionals prepare for certification exams, such as Certified Public Accountant, Enrolled Accountant, Certified Management Accountant, Certified Internal Auditors, Security Industry Essentials, and Certified Information Systems Auditor. Additionally, Surgent offers continuing education opportunities (known as CE or CPE) for people who are reskilling for a new direction, upskilling to keep up with industry changes or picking up adjacent skills, such as project management or data analytics. We also deliver IRS programs for tax preparers. Our success as an education company is measured by the ability of our learners to serve their clients through greater competency. Accounting and financial career paths are not linear and professional education must become more personalized to engage the learner over time. Surgent has a deep understanding of the user experience and creates innovative, diverse learning environments for professionals at every stage. We reinvented the model for exam review with the introduction of our proprietary adaptive learning engine, quickly assessing what a learner already knows and guiding them to a learning path that helps them pass faster. Today we deliver up-to-date, first-to-market content through a variety of live and on-demand modalities -- lectures, webinars, gamification, microlearning video clips, downloadable study guides, etc. -- so learners can choose how they receive instruction. We are registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of CPE on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors and as a QAS Self-Study provider, as well as an approved Continuing Education provider by the IRS, the CFP® Board, and CTEC. Our courses are accepted for CPE credit in the US.