Sequoia ChinaSequoia China helps daring founders build legendary companies. In partnering with Sequoia, companies benefit from our unmatched community and the lessons we've learned over the years. As "The Entrepreneurs Behind The Entrepreneurs", Sequoia China focuses on three sectors: tech, consumer and healthcare. Over the past 17 years we've had the privilege of working with more than 900 companies in China.红杉中国始终致力于帮助创业者成就基业长青的伟大公司,为成员企业带来丰富的全球资源和宝贵的历史经验。作为"创业者背后的创业者",红杉中国专注于科技、消费、医疗健康三个方向的投资机遇。17年来,红杉中国投资了逾900家具有鲜明技术特征、创新商业模式、具备高成长性和高发展潜力的企业。